I.) Rules
Feb 1, 2014 5:16:51 GMT
Post by EVA on Feb 1, 2014 5:16:51 GMT
Be Respectful! I don't care who you are, both the regular members and the staff members of this forum and role play should learn to respect one another. That being said, name calling or making fun of someone for various reasons
Keep it Clean! Proboards TOS requires that the maximum rating on any forum is PG-13. Therefore, all of our members are expected to do so. This means no sex or explicit content of any kind! If you can't follow this rule then the staff will be forced to punt you a good one!
No Spamming! While it's true that we do have a board for members to post in all 'willy nilly' like, we are a literate role playing forum. In any other board, you are expected to at least sound intelligent, please do not post one word posts, post gibberish or advertise anywhere but the advertising board.
Stay Active! We don't expect you to be on everyday and make like fifty posts, believe me I understand that real life always comes first. There have been those times when people would join my forum(s) and not even make a single post, they'd simply disappear. I greatly beg people not to do this, as it will cause a lot of problems for the staff and create a wave of in-activeness that we shouldn't have.
Registering! You may register on the forum with whatever name you'd like however, we kindly ask that you change your display name to the first and last name of your character. All staff members are required to have separate 'staff' accounts and all members are allowed (though don't have to) to create one out of character account.
No Powerplaying or Godmodding! Let's get real, no one likes people who suddenly become invincible in combat or maybe suddenly gains the ability to control someone else's actions. Be fair when you're in a Pokemon battle with someone else and let them make the decision whether to get his or not by an incoming attack. This doesn't mean however, that you should be able to dodge every attack that comes your way right?
Only One Modded Thread Per Character! We don't have a limit to how many posts each character is allowed to make. But be social, mingle with the other characters, participate in trainer battles! Your moderated thread may be a wild encounter, NPC battle or whatever, just try not to overwork our mods. Alright?
Word Count! While we do not have an official word count, we ask all of our role players to at least make TWO decently sized paragraphs for their posts. It's hard to respond to small posts with little description in them, so please make the effort to try.
One Character Per Account! To make things more organized and much easier on the staff, we have made this into a one character per account role play. You may have as many characters as you want
Character Limitations! Everyone is given four free character slots in the beginning, after that you must purchase more character slots from our shop. This is to limit the number of characters people can create at the start, so that we don't have fifty new ones with no one playing them.
Please follow the character template we've provided for you! If our template says that you need 100x100 character icons, then it needs 100x100 character icons. While we don't mind you adding a few extra things to the template, please do not remove anything or change the layout of it. I've personally worked very hard on them and would not like to see all that effort wasted.
Your avatar should be the same as your face claim! I don't like being too strict in how things should work, but this just makes sense to me.
Anime/Manga/Game Face Claims Only! This role play is meant to be an anime style role play. Therefore, we will only accept anime face claims.
Be Creative With Your Battles! In this role play, creativity is the key. People who use their moves to create special combos or use them creatively in other ways will stand a better chance at winning in a Pokemon battle or contest. YOU MAY USE TWO MOVES PER TURN PER POKEMON.
A Pokemon may evolve at any time as long as its level is appropriate! We don't care if it evolves in or out of battle, just as long as its level is appropriate for the evolution.
A Pokemon may only learn four moves! Like in the games, your Pokemon is only allowed to learn a total of four moves. We will let them learn moves that are ten levels higher then them however. When filling out a character application, they are not allowed to have egg or HM/TM moves.